Earthen Canvas was created as a platform to present global and local issues in an accessible way, with the aim of forming a community that is equipped with the information, passion and resources to make change happen.
“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.
Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
Proverbs 31:8-9
Hi, it’s lovely to see you here!
Did you know that ‘geography’ translates as ‘to write the earth’?
The term is derived from two Greek words;
The first is ‘geo’ which means ‘the earth’
The second is ‘graph’ which means ‘to write’
As such, I have spent the last 3 years studying this earth-writing, and boy is there a lot to write about. I’ve been on a journey, exploring the complexities, mysteries and inner workings of everything from volcanic rocks to infectious diseases to climate change to conflicts to homelessness to travel. More importantly, I’ve been discovering how these all link together in a way that writes the story of our planet and the people who make it feel like home.
Earthen Canvas is the next adventure in this journey, a place where I can share my discoveries and hopefully ignite in you a passion for how this earth-writing affects the day-to-day lives of those around you. The key themes you’ll find across this blog are justice, sustainability, community building, global health, environmental change and advocacy for all of the above.